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Zirconia crowns price – how much we will pay for the installation of a crown


Zirconia crowns from the All Ceram Crowns group (metal-free crowns) are considered the highest quality crowns that are commonly used in dental care. This is a very advanced material that allows for accurate and high-quality reconstruction of the damaged tooth, and to provide the patient with a durable, reliable and strong crown, with a high level of aesthetics. When you look at the price of zirconia crowns, you discover another reason why it pays to use them.

Zirconia crowns price – how much will it cost and what does it include?

Before we detail the price of xerokenia crowns, it is important to know why and who chooses to use these crowns, and what it requires, whether it is from the attending physician or from the patient himself. Treatment for the installation of a xerokenia crown is required if and when it is necessary to restore the tooth.

This is essential in the event that the tooth loses a significant part of its substance, as a result of damage due to an external factor or caries that accumulates inside it.

Using a crown is possible due to the fact that a certain part of the material of the tooth still remains and then all that is needed is to install the crown and thus the tooth can be used again regularly. A zirconium crown is the highest quality type of crown available in dentistry today, since it is made of human-friendly, durable and strong natural minerals. You can use these crowns in a color similar to that of natural tooth colors.

The price of xerocania crowns is determined by the clinic and the attending physician. Usually the price will range between NIS 3000-5000, and will include the preparation and making of the crown itself. and will include not only the crown and its installation, but also the entire process required for this. For example, fitting sessions, measurements, photographs and more. The crown itself is manufactured in laboratories that work with a dental clinic by the best experts in the field.

Also, there is a possibility to make a metal-free crown under the conditions of the clinic itself in one sitting (without sending the work to the laboratory). This is done with the help of digital technology (CAD/CAM Technology)

Why is it worth paying the price?

On the face of it, the prices of zirconia crowns may be considered high, but you have to remember that this is a crown that can restore its status for many years if you maintain oral hygiene and follow the doctor’s instructions. Therefore, the price is worthwhile even though some may think it is high. If you need dental crown treatment, you are welcome to contact us at Dr. Rier Michael’s Dental Art Clinic, and we will be happy to check you up and provide you with an attractive price offer! Contact us today and we will schedule an appointment with you as soon as possible.

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